quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2009

Working at Accenture - job reviews

Bem, não é preciso dizer nada.....basta lerem. Deixo o link e alguns exertos.

"Consultants and either treated as disposable, or if your face fits, helped to the top, but only in exchange for their pound of flesh"

"Where a peer to peer surveilance is encouraged, back stabbing is common practice, people are encouraged have no morale, its a constant battle just to stay employed." - Onde já vi isto :P

"I work with some of the smartest most intelligent people I have ever met....and then there are the rest who seem to get protected, promoted, and highly reviewed yet can't follow a simple 5 step process. "

Resumindo, antes que me comece a afectar, tenho de me afastar disto, não vá pegar-se tipo gripe A.


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