quarta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2010
There is this farmer who is having problems with his chickens. All of the sudden, they are all getting very sick and he doesn't know what is wrong with them. After trying all conventional means, he calls a biologist, a chemist, and a physicist to see if they can figure out what is wrong. So the biologist looks at the chickens, examines them a bit, and says he has no clue what could be wrong with them. Then the chemist takes some tests and makes some measurements, but he can't come to any conclusions either. So the physicist tries. He stands there and looks at the chickens for a long time without touching them or anything. Then all of the sudden he starts scribbling away in a notebook. Finally, after several gruesome calculations, he exclaims, 'I've got it! But it only works for spherical chickens in a vacuum.'
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4 comentários:
è suposto ter piada?
Ohhh badochinha isso anda mesmo mal! precisas de sair e conhecer mais pessoas... daqui a pouco comecas a contar piadas como a do exponencial na festa a um canto isolado, vai la um e diz-lhe:" integra-te" ele: "pra queh? fico na mesma" ahahahahahah
Se tivessem chamado logo o Veterinário! =P
Conhecer mais pessoas? Oh joão vê lá o q é e tu dizes...pq o solteirão és tu!
nao estava a falar nesse sentido .. ;)
Tens que tentar melhorar o sentido de humor do teu gaijo .. eheheh
beijo* (solteirao/trintao ... ahahah)
JC ainda andas a treinar para solteiro com a WII ? :P
Cala-te lá que a piada está gira, quanto vieres a Portugal eu explico-ta com desenhos :P
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