sábado, 24 de abril de 2010


Sempre adorei a Audi RS2...desde puto que via aquela carrinha e literalmente ficava focado nela!

Hoje no meio de uma conversa surgiu uma hipótese de, quem sabe, ter uma....história do costume....senhora com algum dinheiro que a tem parada na garagem e logo...azulinha :D

Citando...."Try overtaking in third and you are faced with that why-the-hell-aren’t-I-moving kind of millisecond that seems to happen at the wrong moment - i.e. on the wrong side of the road.

This is followed by such a sudden and overwhelming swell of power that spits you down the road so quickly your mind is still in the why-aren’t-I-moving moment. The acceleration is savage and unrelenting. The RS2 goes from a heavy car that seems uninterested in moving its own mass, to an unstoppable steam train. It’s fantastic."

Artigo completo LINK

E um video para verem do que este bicho é capaz

1 comentário:

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